Friday, December 16, 2005

Food and Language

Interesting tidbit que mi esposa me contó ayer en la noche - estaba a su trabajo, y around lunchtime several co-workers sugeran que a group of them go to un restaurante Mexicano.

Y mi esposo los dijó, "Great! I haven't had Mexican food in a long time!"

To which her co-workers gave her "strange looks" (as she confided in me). Then, ellos la dijeron, "Of course you eat Mexican food all the time, don't you? You speak Spanish!"

[here is where I will pause so that you can let the phrase sink in.

got it?

yup! That's right!]

Then, ella los explicó que, aunque habla español no significa que ella es mexicana. De hecho, ella es de Costa Rica.

This is another example that la mayoria de los estadounidenses creen que hay solo UNO pais underneath us: Mexico, and then a large empty space reaching all the way down to the South Pole.



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