Thursday, September 01, 2005

Defender DPL part 2

Note to self to update this post: yesterday when searching for more news regarding the happenings at DPL, noticed that the only websites which were truly furious over the situation were an Engligh-only site (that's understandable) and a related website that was brazenly "Euro-American centered" - will link them later but for now just know that what amazed me about the Eurocentric one is that they promoted themselves as being "for European-Americans wherever they live."

That indicates to me that the gentlemen (and I use the term loosely) apparently no comprenden que el español IS a European language, and everybody from Tijuana to Tierra del Fuego is the child of a European . . . hmmmm, just - like - US!!!!!

I think everybody should occasionally be reminded that hispanics ARE of European descent. (Sometimes various Mexicans themselves appear to forget this fact.) But the Spanish screwed everybody. Practically every tribe they came into contact with (pun intended.) It's the English and Dutch who were too snooty to interbreed. (The Irish would have, but they got here too late.)

So I think it's ludicrous for a website to promote itself as PRO-those-of-European-descent and yet be anti-hispanic.




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