Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Sería impossible para discutir el efecto de los latinoamericanos en los EEUU sin incluir el canal de televisión que se llama Univision. Es un canal totalmente en español, para los hispanohablantes. Lástima que la mayoria de sus programas son telenovelas y comedias, pero hay noticias que parecen buenas, pero aunque puedo entender solamente más or menos cuarenta por ciento de lo que dicen es díficil to be sure just HOW good they are!

But I will say that it's very interesting - and I haven't wanted to get into coverage of the disaster much because en toda honesta it simply breaks my heart the damage and destruction, and I feel that if I let myself go I'd get on one of my soapbox rants and keep on going and never stop . . .

. . . like now. Pero, sin embargo hay dos cosas muy interesantes del "coverage" de Univision. Primero, parace que Univision tiene foco solamente en los latinos que han estado desplacado por el hurucán, which is not a BAD thing, I'm saying, just worth noting. Pero lo que es más interesante a mi (or is it "a yo" ? I have a hard time with that), es está mañana lo ví los muertos en los aguas de New Orleans - right there on the screen! No hay nada canal en inglés lo mostraría!! And just to make sure I said it right, let me repeat in English - there isn't an English-speaking news channel that would show dead bodies floating in the waters of New Orleans. Not one.

Let's face it: this is a country in which the President refused to let news stations show closed caskets, for goodness' sake. Yet, Univision shows the graphic news.

There is something there, something significant, something that reveals the difference between the two cultures, something that may change both cultures (in the melding de los EEUU) in the years to come. The way our news stations handle coverage of death, especially visual images of death and pain, reveals a lot about ourselves and our "others" (por whatever side of the cultural fence you might be on).

This is something, in all honesty, that many more studied minds than mine should be able to elucidate upon. Hopefully maybe some of those studied minds will happen upon this post and be able to comment.

Until then, let me just say a blessing for all those affected by the hurricane. The whole thing is simply mind-boggling.



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