Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hmm . ..

This blog experiement not going well. The now dearth of latinos in my city has left me bereft of material by which to conduct my linguistic experiment.

Nevertheless, I don't really want to erase this blog . . . there is another blog which is conducted in my pisspoor Spanish, about all things Spanish, created from a basic basic Spanish class I once taught. Perhaps I could bring that blog to this "quartet" of blogs and merge these posts with that one.

I will have to ask Blogger how to do that. I'm still a novice at all this, probably I'll never learn.

Hey, if anybody reading this message wants to post some quick n easy instructions on how to merge the posts of one blog to another, let me know, OK?



At 2:57 PM, Blogger JJSS said...

You are in the place you need to be. WWW; Let me give you some help in order to allow you to do what you have done quite well so far.

That is what WWW is all about; braking down frontiers and enabling people to do things together without the need of being actually in the same place.

Please don't give up. Think about it and let's keep this blog up and running for a long while more. So far let me provide you with this material could be considered such a funny linguistic reality to observe:

Frog = "Rana", "Sapo" or commonly/popularly known as "Maco"

Fraud= "Fraude"

Frog & Fraud share some phonetic similarities in english and that could be the origin of using the word "Maco" to refer to something may be fraudulent or dishonest in spanish. Any comment? :D

Spanish Below:

Estas en el lugar que necesitas estar. WWW; permiteme darte alguna ayuda con la finalidad de permitirte hacer lo que has estado haciendo tan bien haste ahora.

Eso es todo sobre lo que la WWW trata; derribar fronteras permitiendo a la gente hacer cosas juntos sin la necesidad de estar necesariamente en el mismo lugar.

Por favor no te rindas. Piensalo y deja este blog arriba y funcionando por mucho mas tiempo. Por lo pronto, permiteme proveerte con este material podria ser considerado como una divertida realidad linguistica a observar:

Frog = "Rana", "Sapo" o comun o popularmente conocido como "Maco"

Fraud= "Fraude"

Frog & Fraud comparten ciertas similitudes foneticas en ingles y tal similitud pudo haber dado origen al uso de la palabra "Maco" para referir a algo q podria ser fraudulento o deshonesto en espanol. Algun comentario? :D


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