Friday, February 02, 2007

Learn your language/Aprenden su lengua

Just to put a not-so-final word on the debate about whether to make English the "official language" of whatever United State you're living in - or for the US in general, let me just say this to all the proponents of such an action:

If you want English to be the National Language, then learn how to speak it.

That goes for not only just the hillbillies, hicks, ghettothugs, and gangstas, but also for all those midlevel management types who can't send a coherent email because every word is spelled phonetically.

English iz not speled fonetickly!!

On the flip side, for all the people who insist on putting up signs in Spanish (and I believe I've already touched on this in a previous post) - learn how to write in Spanish!!! I'm tired of seeing misspellings in Spanish. That's absolutely atrocious: Spanish is an easy language to write, porqué la mayoría de las cosas son escrito foneticamente!! (and I have a built-in excuse if I make spelling errors in Spanish: soy gringo! So you know that if I can spot an error, it must be PDEgregious!!)