Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Love One Another = Se amen = Say "Amen"

On the board in one of the kids' Sunday school classrooms the other day I saw the frace "Love One Another" y, porqué estoy estudiando español, usualmente, trato a traducir todo lo que lea al español, y cuando lo traduci, encontré este frace


y . . . visually in English you see the word "Amen" which is how prayers are completed. Interesting how the subjunctive (or mandato) form of "love" as in "you (plural) should/must love" and the relexive "se" which expands the phrase to "one another" also sounds like the English word "Say"

Thus . . . SE AMEN es igual al "SAY 'AMEN'."

I can even extrapolate it one step further, by recoignizing that the English frace has the accent on el último syllable, whereas the Spanish has the accent on the penúlitmo syllable, which makes the phrase sound almost like "SEA Men"

Which, the first word translates as "BE" as in "You (singular) should/must BE" and ending with "MEN"


Which I take as - to truly be men, (or "human") we should aim for the Jesus Christ mandate (his second commandment) and love one another. (and also, to "say Amen" means truly to be thankful)

This has been today's lesson in ingléspañol.



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