Friday, May 12, 2006

Día de los Immigrantes

Ya(already)passed/pasado, lo sé bien, pero I have to say that

I understand everybody's argument either for or against the demonstration, and there ARE varied arguments, and some more valid than others, but all of them are hot buttons, but let's just get ol' Verble's take on the situation, and that, simply is this:

FACT: sometimes dignity has to be earned, freedom has to be demanded, respect has to be commanded.

FACT: the First Amendment guarantees the right of the people to assemble PEACEFULLY.

Regardless of the status of each individual human being in that crowd on that day, they assembled peacefully. They exercised the right granted under the first amendment, and regardless of whomever thinks that the right should be granted to a legal or illegal, they did indeed exercise that right, and THAT, mis amigos,

is a beautiful thing, and I laud them for it.



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